• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yarlialdana
  • hace 6 años

Complete la frase con la forma del ZERO CONDITIONAL del verbo que está entre paréntesis. (DO) (NOT GET) (GO)​


Respuesta dada por: cristancho303


They didn't do their homework yesterday.


es pasado simple

en negativo

yarlialdana: ayudaaaa:(
cristancho303: olle es de conjugar o de
yarlialdana: yo creo
cristancho303: amm
cristancho303: segura
cristancho303: 1) If they knew him well, they would invite him to their parties.

2) If you had more money, you wouldn’t travel in low-cost flights.

3) If she asked me nicely, I would go shopping with her.

4) If you took the sink apart, you would get the water out.

5) If Mike had 300 euros to spend, he would buy a new smartphone.

6) If I lived abroad, I would miss the local food so much.
cristancho303: 7) If I were you, I would start looking for a job right now.

8) If Sam were president of the US, he would do a terrific job.

9) If I had a freelance job, I would travel around the world.

10) I would finish university by 2019 if I started this year.
cristancho303: eso te sirve son conjugaciones de los verbos
yarlialdana: es completar las frases esas que puse ahí con la forma del zero conditional del verbo qué están en paréntesis
yarlialdana: Complete la frase con la forma del ZERO CONDITIONAL del verbo que está entre paréntesis. if Antonella (do) the housework, her mother is happy.
David (not get) sick if he drinks milk.
my dog (go) out of i leave the door open.
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