• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marlotmartinez38
  • hace 6 años

HOLA buenos días enserio necesito de su ayuda urgentemente quisiera que me ayudaran a responder esto PORFAVOR!!



Respuesta dada por: nacholaurito



2) was

3) were

4) was

5) were

6) were


2) jane and Michael were doctors

3) she was at the museum

4) it was a big dog

5) you were my friend

6) we weren't happy

7) I was very tired

8) you weren't tall enough

9) we were in the kitchen

10) paula wasn't interested in books

11) everyone was busy

12) I wasn't busy



2) was

3) were

4) weren't

5) was

6) was

7) was

Respuesta dada por: anyela28


2- Was

3- Were

4- Was

5- were

6- were

1- Jane and Michael were doctors

2- She was in the museum

3- It was a big dog

4- You were my best friend

5- They weren't engineers

6- We weren't happy

7- I was very tired

8- You weren't tall enough

9- We were in the kitchen

10- Paula wasn't interested in books

11- Everyone was ready

12- I wasn't busy

1- Was

2- Were

3- Were

4- Weren't

5- Was

6- Wasn't

7- Was

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