Zara and Abdul were students at the same school. Abdul studied every night. He worked very hard and he thought he knew everything. Zara watched TV every night and played computer games. On the day before the exam, she did a little bit of work. One week later, they got their results. Guess what? Abdul failed and Zara passed. Zara jumped for joy. Life can sometimes be unfair, thought Abdul. However, he wasn’t bitter. He just smiled and said, “Well done, Zara”.
1. False – They were students at the same school.
2. False – Zara was a lazy student.
3. False – Zara watched the TV every night.
4. True.
5. True
6. False – Abdul wasn’t angry about the situation.
Do you always revise for your exams?
(ejemplo) Yes, I always revise for my exams every day.
siganme y los sigo
sigueme y te sigo
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