• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: arielsrm
  • hace 6 años

E. Identifique los verbos correctos y encierre con un círculo. 1. I study / studies/ english course. 2. He watch / watches/ tv in the room. 3. It plays / play / in the yard. 4. They work / Works / in the school. 5. Maria doesn’t cooks / cook / in the kitchen. 6. Diego drive / drives/ a blue car for the Street. 7. Sandra and Liz go / goes/ together to the party. 8. Sebastián studies / study in a university 9. My sister ride/ rides / the horse. 10 They tries / try / to jump in the pool.


Respuesta dada por: f3faaa


  1. Study
  2. Watches
  3. Plays
  4. Works
  5. Cook
  6. Drives
  7. Go
  8. Study
  9. Rides
  10. Try

f3faaa: La coronita se agradece :)
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