• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: santiagoarroyo0808
  • hace 6 años

3. Listening/ He/ like/ to / doesn’t / music
4. she/ writing/ like/ emails/ doesn’t
5. Lucy and Alex/ playing/hate/ tennis

santiagoarroyo0808: hay que organizarlas
Anónimo: No puedo ya hay dos personas :c
Anónimo: 4.She doent like writing emails
Anónimo: 5.Lucy and Alex hate playing tennis
natalia28alfonso: Holiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Respuesta dada por: Mimy14

3.he doesn't like to listening music

4. she doesn't like writing emails

5.lucy and alex hate playing tennis


Respuesta dada por: visuqui912


3. he doesn't like listening to music

4.She doesn't like writing emails

5.Lucy and Alex hate playing tennis


espero haberte ayudado

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