In each of the following 12 sentences,there is ONE PAST SIMPLE grammar
Can you find all 12 mistakes?
1. They eat dinner at six o´clock yesterday.
They ate dinner at six o´clock yesterday.
2.Did Maria drove to work this morning?
3. I not finished my homework last night.
4. Did you busy last Monday?
5. Was she buy a new car yesterday?
6. I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago.
7.Was you late for the meeting.
8.Who did you talked to?
9.Where was you stay in Washington?
10.I was read that book last year
11.Jhon flied to Argentina last weekend.
12.He weren´t at home last night.
1 They ate dinner at six o' clock yesterday
2 Did Maria drive to work this morning?
3 I did not finish my homework last night
4 Were you busy last Monday?
5 Did she buy a new car yesterday?
6 I wanted to go to Montreal two years ago
7 Were you late for the meeting?
8 Who did you talk to?
9 Where were you staying in Washington?
10 I was reading a book last year
11 Jhon flew to Argentina last weekend
12 He wasn't at home last night
1 El verbo tenia que colocarse en pasado
2 En la interrogativa de pasado simple el verbo se coloca en presente porque el auxiliar Did indica el tiempo
3 La forma negativa del pasado simple se construye con did + not + verbo en presente
4 Sino tengo otro verbo construyo mi oración con el Verbo to be en este caso en pasado
5 El verbo to be sea en presente o pasado cuando se complementa con otro verbo, ese verbo debe tener ING
6 Cuando tenemos dos verbos juntos el segundo debe estar en infinitivo
7 Were se complementa con you
8 El verbo en las interrogativas se coloca en presente
9 El otro verbo tenia que estar con gerundio ING
10 El verbo con gerundio
11 La forma del pasado del verbo es flew
12 Wasn't se complementa con He She It