• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zuelavalencaro
  • hace 6 años

10 oraciones en inglés combinando afirmaciones y negaciones y preguntas utilizando may and might​


Respuesta dada por: torimetorime0205


I might watch another episode.

You may bring a partner to our event.

He may have been

She might tell us what happened if we ask her.

It might rain this afternoon.

We may be invited but I’m not sure.

They might go to the beach this weekend.


May I have some water please?

May I borrow your dictionary?

May I use the bathroom please?


You may not park your car in front of the gate.  (No, it is not permitted)

You may not leave the room without permission.

You may not take photos inside the museum. (It is prohibited)

Respuesta dada por: rafaelsonoramx

Respuesta:Estas son oraciones tanto positivas cono negativas usando el verbo MAY:

1. It may rain tomorrow

2, I may not go to the party

3. We may buy a new car

4. They may not finish the project on time

5. She may call you in the afternoon

6. Lisa and Ann may work in the same building soon

7. I may work this weekend

8. You may arrive earlier next week

9. I may look tired after all this events

10. We may go to run in the park in other moment

En ingles, el MAY corresponde a un verbo modal que se usa para indicar que existe una posibilidad de que algo ocurra en el futuro. Las oraciones se forman de la siguiente manera:

             Sujeto + MAY + Verbo en infinitivo + Complemento

Un modal es un verbo auxiliar que se emplea para expresar posibilidad, habilidad, permiso u obligación. Might es un verbo modal que se emplea comunmente para expresar posibilidad.

10 oraciones afirmativas y negativas del verbo might son:

1. You might learn to cook many recipes

2. You might call him tonight

3. She might help you with your task

4. It might rain tonight

5. We might be in the celebration today

6. You might not publish your paintings

7. They might not sell their house

8. I might not go to Indonesia

9. She might not like Japanese food

10. He might not be in the bus

Verbo modal: Might

Este modal se utiliza para expresar:




Oraciones con might afirmativas:

Siguen la siguiente estructura: Sujeto + might+ verbo + complemento


He might take a rest now

They might send the letters today

I might work all night

We might visit the Eiffel tower  

He might wash the dishes

Oraciones con might negativas:

Siguen la siguiente estructura: Sujeto + might + not + verbo + complemento


They might not be walking at school

Andrea might not have the umbrella

They might not wear their scarves

I might not call you tomorrow

Santiago might not live there anymore

De este modo, se pueden detallar 10 oraciones afirmativas y negativas del verbo might que siguen las estructuras plantedas.

son 20 pero espero que te ayuden:)

zuelavalencaro: a muchas gracias los amo
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