the next sentence in order
1.-A) I've B) is C) seen D)city E) ever F)Toronto G) the H) most I) beautiful
2.-A) The B) suit C) black D) is E) more F) expensive G) than H) the I) suit J) grey
3.-A) The B) whale C) blue D) is E) the F) animal G) heaviest H) in I) the J) world
4.-A) She B) is C) the D) fastest E) her F) in G)family
5.-A) Anna B) is C) the D) worst E) painter F) in G) the H) group
Respuesta dada por:
Toronto is the most beautiful city I've ever seen
The black suit is more expensive than the gray suit (aunque en esta los colores pueden ir al revés)
The blue whale is the heaviest animal in the world
She is the fastest in her family
Anna is the worst painter in the group
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