• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: asaelgranados847
  • hace 6 años

solo many o much nesecita

21) how cheese is there
in the fridge?
22) How
births are
23) How shoes have
you got?
24) How problems
has his car?
25) How Fish is there
for today?
26) We haven't
27) How
he got?
pencils has
28] How_cigarettes does
he smokes every day?
32)There isn't_milk at
31) How dishes has
he to wash?
29) How kilometers de
you run in a training
30)There was too
noise in the classroom


Respuesta dada por: valeriavsg


21-. How much cheese is there  in the fridge?

22-. How  many birds are  flying?

23-. How many shoes have  you got?

24-. How many problems  has his car?

25-. How much fish is there  for today?

26-. We haven't  home. (???)

27-. How  many pencils has  he got?

28-. How many cigarettes does  he smokes every day?  

29-. How many kilometers do you run in a training  session?

30-. There was too  much noise in the classroom .

31-. How many dishes does  he has to wash?

32-. There isn't much milk at  home .

Espero te haya ayudado, si mis respuestas te sirvieron, por favor déjame una coronita en las 3 respuestas que me ayudaría mucho mí.

Te deseo suerte,

Val ♡

asaelgranados847: 26-we haven't at home
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