• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: isaflo39
  • hace 9 años

Alguien me puede traducir esto en ingles:
yo lo recuerdo muy bien,es como si fuera sido ayer,sus miradas,las lucecitas azules y rojas..
recuerdo que corrí,no tenia otra opción,no tenia balas,todas las gaste del medio del tiroteo,era muchos y sentía que legaran mas y mas,no me quedo otra opción que correr,de echo,no lo pensé varias veces corrí todo lo que pude y mientras,corría pensaba que no volvería a ver mas a mi novia,a mi hijo ella estaba embarazo,hoy es el ultimo día de mi vida,no tenia mas opción,correr o morir,seguía corriendo,cuando escuche dos disparos uno de los disparos me logro impartame en la pierna derecha aun así quise seguir corriendo pero ya no era lo mismo,de pronto me enrede y me caí,entonces ellos aprovecharon para capturare.
no se preocupe señor por mis lagrimas aveces aunque uno es hombre la cárcel es tan dura que puede quebrantar el mas fuerte,los días aquí parecen años y los años ciclos...
he intentado fugarme en esta cárcel 3 veces pero ha sido inútil,me he cortado las venas varias ocasiones pero siempre hay alguien o algo que me a impedido morir...
ahora recuerdo lo que decía mi madre del medio de sus"cantaletas" o lo que me decían los profes antes que dejara la escuela definitivamente,porque no me gustaba hacer tareas,prestar atención,y odiaba o tener que leer,para ver si no siento el dia tan largo,ahora mi madre me trae los cuaderno,algunos libros,lapiceros y una regla para que dibuje...
usted dice que nosotros somos los únicos responsables de nuestros destinos,pueda que tenga razón pero no podemos reconocer que nosotros nacemos o desaparecemos en un entorno y ese entorno termina afectarnos tarde o temprano,el hombre nace bueno y la sociedad lo corrompe decía el profe de sociales ...
si usted dice que si somos inteligentes,podemos tomar buenas decisiones y mejorar nuestra calidad de vida.No se lo discuto,sobre todo porque así lo que han matado a muchos compañeros del barrio mucho lograron estudiar han conseguido empleo y viven bien.Frente a la pregunta ¿que es ser joven?...
yo pienso que la juventud es una época,en la que todo mundo sabe,lo que como joven puedo hacer menos unos como joven es como si todo el mundo supiera que te estas equivocando menos tu.


Respuesta dada por: jefferbayas
 i remember it well, it is as if were yesterday, their eyes, blue and red lights .. I remember I ran, he had no choice, had no bullets, all spend the middle of the shooting, was many felt bequeathed more and more, I do not keep other option than running, in fact, I did not think a few times I ran everything I could and while running thought would never see more my girlfriend, my son she was pregnant, today is the last day of my life, I had no choice, run or die, still running, when I heard two shots one of the shots I impartame achievement in his right leg still I wanted to keep running but it was not the same, I suddenly entangled and fell, then they took the opportunity to will capture. no sir worry about my tears but sometimes one is male prison is so tough that can break the strongest, the days here seems like years and years cycles ... I tried to run away in this prison 3 times but it was useless, I cut my wrists several times but there is always someone or something that prevented me to die ... Now I remember what my mother said the midst of his "cantaletas" or what I was told the teachers before he left school definitely, because I did not like doing homework, paying attention, and hated or having to read, to see if I do not feel the long day, now my mother brought me the book, some books, pencils and a ruler to draw ... you say that we are the only ones responsible for our destinies, can be right but we can not recognize that we are born or disappear in an environment and that environment affect us sooner or later ends, man is born good and society corrupts said the teacher of social ... if you say that if we are smart, we can make good decisions and improve our quality of vida.No I would argue, especially since they have killed so many colleagues were able to study the neighborhood much get jobs and live bien.Frente to question what it is to be young? ... I think that youth is a time in which everyone knows, what can I do as a young least some as young it's like everyone to know that you're wrong but you.
Respuesta dada por: giovanni2906


I remember it very well, it is as if it were yesterday, their looks, the blue and red lights ..

I remember I ran, I had no other choice, I had no bullets, I spent all of them in the middle of the shooting, there were many and I felt that they came more and more, I had no choice but to run, in fact, I did not think about it several times I ran everything I could and while I was running I thought I would never see my girlfriend again, she was pregnant with my son, today is the last day of my life, I had no choice, to run or die, I was still running, when I heard two shots one of the shots he managed to teach me in the right leg, even so I wanted to keep running but it was no longer the same, suddenly I got tangled and fell, so they took the opportunity to capture me.

don't worry sir about my tears sometimes although one is a man the prison is so hard that it can break the strongest, the days here seem like years and the years cycle ...

I have tried to escape in this prison 3 times but it has been useless, I have cut my veins several times but there is always someone or something that has prevented me from dying ...

Now I remember what my mother said in the middle of her "canes" or what the teachers told me before I finally left school, because I didn't like doing homework, paying attention, and hating or having to read, to see if I don't feel the long day, now my mother brings me the notebook, some books, pens and a ruler for me to draw ...

you say that we are the only ones responsible for our destinies, you may be right but we cannot recognize that we are born or disappear in an environment and that environment ends up affecting us sooner or later, man is born good and society corrupts him said the teacher of social ...

If you say that if we are intelligent, we can make good decisions and improve our quality of life. I do not dispute it, especially since what they have killed many comrades in the neighborhood, they have managed to study, have obtained employment and live well. ask what is being young? ...

I think that youth is a time, in which everyone knows, what as a young person I can do less some as a young person is as if everyone knew that you are making less mistakes.



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