Escrine en una hoja de blok que profesion te gistaria ejercer en un futuro y por que en inglés por último dibuja tu profesión me gustaría ser actriz el que me ayude y lo aga bien le pongo la corona ayudaaa
I want to be an actress because I like to act, as I like to act I will be an actress, because acting is the best option of expression in a physical and mental way, because in acting we can all achieve to be what we want, when we play a role you can express yourself as you want, so acting is what I want to be when I grow up, also because it pays very well and we can all have a lot of money because of acting.
We can all have something to live for, my will to live comes directly from acting, because since I was a little girl, I have been acting in theaters, now that I am growing up and I am dreaming of acting in the most famous theaters in the world.
A profession that I would never be is a teacher, because teachers are very bad and leave a lot of homework.
Thank you very much

Respuesta:siiii jreeeeeeeeeeee
Explicación:no seeeeeee si quieres te ayuda es otra cosa