• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rjulio1605
  • hace 6 años

En la siguiente conversación Dan y Jenny están hablando sobre ir a un concierto. Lee el diálogo y escoge el Verbo Modal correcto. Jenny: I think I (1) ______ (will - would) call Francis. Dan: Is he your friend from school? I think I (2) ______(can’t – might) know him. Jenny: Yes, you do. You met him last month. Dan: Oh, yes! I remember now. (3) ______(should – ought) we ask him to go to the concert with us? Jenny: That’s a great idea. He loves rock music, so he is going to enjoy the concert. Dan: Jenny, if I were you, I (4) ______(ought to – would) wear a cap for the concert because it’s really sunny today. Jenny: OK. I’ll do that. Dan, don’t take that selfie stick to the concert. Dan: Why not? Jenny: According to the concert promoter, concertgoers (5) ______(mustn’t – might not) take to the concert any object that (6) ______(must – could) hurt attendants. Dan: (7) ______ ( can – ought) we bring an umbrella then? Jenny: I don’t think we can. Dan: Alright. We (8) ______(ought to – must to) hurry because the concert starts in an hour. Jenny: OK, let’s go. Dan: I checked the weather app and it (9) ______(may – musn’t to) rain. What should we do? Jenny: We (10) ______( would – could) buy rain capes at the entrance. Dan: Alright. Let’s do that. Call Francis then


Respuesta dada por: princekarol


1. will

2. might

3. Should

4. would

5. mustn't  (must not)

6. could

7. Can

8. ought to

9. may

10. could


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