• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jenlunar
  • hace 6 años

por favor es para hoy ayudenme es sobre el presente simple Complete the next sentences in present simple
1) Jose and Felipe (sing) in the school's play
2) My cat
(touch) its owners
3) The moon
(go) around the earth
4) Your aunt
(want) to talk to you
5) / (make) my bed every morning
6) The writer
(count) his histories
7) My grandma always (watch) soup opera
8) Those dogs (play) each other
9) The math class (begin) at around 11:30 am
10) The thief (deny) his acts​


Respuesta dada por: lp8v


hjxb jhxbcdbfhbgdmvfv dbdjvbjhgbvdjhvbjdbjbfhjfbhjvhhdbhjdbjhhvbjhbvjfvbjfbvjfb vhfbhjfvb


Respuesta dada por: facuchino0911


1) Jose and Felipe sing in the school's play

2) My cat  touchs its owners

3) The moon  goes around the earth

4) Your aunt  wants to talk to you

5) I make my bed every morning

6) The writer  counts his histories

7) My grandma always watchs soup opera

8) Those dogs play each other

9) The math class begins at around 11:30 am

10) The thief denyes his acts​


Cuando es He She o It se le agrega "s"o "es" al verbo, pero en cambio si es I, You, We, They se deja al verbo como está.

Espero ue te sirva mi respuesta.

jenlunar: muchas gracias era para un examen y saque bien gracias
facuchino0911: Me siento importante
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