• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alextimote264
  • hace 6 años

1. Write the sentences in order:
often go / the cinema. / You / to
You often go to the cinema.

1. on Saturday. / shopping / go / We

2. every Friday night. / out / My parents / go

3. the park / every day. / I / to / go

4. for breakfast. / a café / sometimes go / We / to

5. college. / Lots of / go / young people / to

1. Write the food:

I sometimes eat pasta.

I never eat _________.

I sometimes eat _________.

I sometimes eat _________.

I often eat __________.

I never eat _________:

I eat __________ every day.

I often have _______ for lunch


Respuesta dada por: bipzygalaxy

1 We go shoping on Saturday

2. My parebñntd go out every Friday night

3. I go yo te para every day

4. we sometimes go to a cafe for breakfast

5. lots of young people to go college

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