• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: farfand641
  • hace 6 años

Completá las oraciones con el tiempo de verbo correcto usando los verbos que están entre paréntesis(recordá que en el Simple present se le agrega s o es al verbo para he, she o it)


                                     (si me despierto tarde  voy a perder el colectivo)

1. If you eat (eat) greasy food, you will become  (become) fat.

2. If she _____( invite) me, I_______ (go).

3. If it ______( rain), we ________ (cancel) the match.

4. If I ________ (get) a promotion, I ________ (buy) a car.

5. If she  ____(be)late, we ________(go) without her.

6. If you ____(ask) more politely, I ______(buy) you a drink.

7. If he____ (win) the first prize, his mother _____ (be) happy.

8. If he _____ (get) an aspirin, he ________ (get)better.

9. If he _____ (say) that, he ________ (be) sorry.

10. If I _____ (leave) now, I ________ (arrive) at New York by 8:00 PM.

11. If you ______ (tell) them, they ________(know) the truth.

12. If I ______ (bake) two cakes,  I ________ (give) you one-

13. If he _____ (call) me, I __________ (answer) the phone.

14. If you______ (get)a haircut, you _______ (look) much better.

 si me ayudan se quedan con los puntos


Respuesta dada por: plunav


1. eat / will become

2. invites / will go

3. rains / will cancel

4. get / will buy

5. is / will go

6. ask / will buy

7. wins / will be

8. gets / will get

9. says / will be

10. leave / will arrive

11. tell / will know

12. bake / will give

13. calls / will answer

14. get / will look

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