me podrian ayudar a hacer un texto de casi media cuartilla sobre alguna historia en Presente perfecto con los adverbios de manera y Pasado simple. : ( es para mañana
yo busco lo mismo que el va a hacer
Dame estrellitasss plis o corona :)
Jack Forrester is one of the most adventurous people from all over the world.
Jack has had several jobs, about 30. Among the most interesting jobs we can highlight the following: he has been an astronaut, a teacher and a dancer. According to Jack, his most rewarding job has been to be a teacher in Africa, Europe and South America.
As for his personal life, we can point out that he has had five girlfriends in his life, but he has only been married once. He hasn’t had children yet, but he wants to have two daughters.
Jack has lived in more than 15 countries, his favorite country is Japan. He has gone around the world twice: the first one in 1999 by boat and the second one in hot air balloon 3 years ago. Some people may wonder how he has paid for these trips and adventures; well, Jack is an entrepreneur that has created and sold about 6 successful companies.
Jack Forrester is a role model for his family and friends.
En español...
Jack Forrester es una de las personas más aventureras de todo el mundo. En este artículo veremos sus trabajos, su vida personal y sus aventuras extremas.
Jack ha tenido varios trabajos, unos 30. Entre los trabajos más interesantes podemos destacar los siguientes: ha sido astronauta, profesor y bailarín. Según Jack, su trabajo más gratificante ha sido ser profesor en África, Europa y Sudamérica.
En cuanto a su vida personal, podemos señalar que ha tenido cinco novias en su vida, pero solo se ha casado una vez. Todavía no ha tenido hijos, pero quiere tener dos hijas.
Jack ha vivido en más de 15 países, su país favorito es Japón. Ha dado dos vueltas al mundo: la primera en 1999 en barco y la segunda en globo aerostático hace 3 años. Algunas personas pueden preguntarse cómo ha pagado por estos viajes y aventuras; bueno, Jack es un emprendedor que ha creado y vendido alrededor de 6 empresas exitosas.
Jack Forrester es un modelo a seguir para su familia y amigos.
En primera persona:
I am Jack Forrester, one of the most adventurous people in the whole world.
I have had several jobs, about 30. Among the most interesting jobs I can highlight the following: I have been an astronaut, a teacher and a dancer. My most rewarding job has been teaching in Africa, Europe and South America.
Regarding my personal life, I can point out that I have had five girlfriends in my life, but I have only been married once. I have not had children yet, but I want to have two daughters.
I have lived in more than 15 countries, my favorite country is Japan. I have traveled the world twice: the first in 1999 by boat and the second in a hot air balloon 3 years ago. Some people may wonder how I have paid for these trips and adventures; well, I am an entrepreneur who has created and sold about 6 successful companies.
I am a role model for my family and friends.