What is an adjective (in your own words) spanish or English?
R: Class of word that accompanies the noun to express a quality of the thing designated by it or to determine or limit its extension.
Write 20 adjectives (English or Espanish and English):
R: 1. Small: pequeño, pequeña, pequeños, pequeñas
2. Big: grande, grandes
3. Intelligent: inteligente, inteligentes
4. Heavy: pesado, pesada, pesadas, pesados
5. Light: ligero, ligera, ligeros, ligeras
6. Mean: malo, mala malos, malas
7. Lovely: bonito, bonita, bonitos, bonitas
8. Free: gratis
9. Cheap: barato, barata, baratos, baratas
10. Expensive: caro, cara, caros, caras
11. Safe: seguro, segura, seguros, seguras
12. Wet: mojado, mojada, mojados, mojadas
13. Dry: seco, seca, secos, secas
14. Strong: fuerte, fuertes
15. Ugly: feo, fea, feos, feas
16. Sad: triste, tristes
17. Clean: limpio, limpia, limpios, limpias
18. Dirty: sucio, sucia, sucios, sucias
19. Lucky: afortunado, afortunada, afortunados, afortunadas
20. Empty: vacío, vacía, vacíos, vacías
Write 10 sentences that include different adjectives from the previous paragraph:
R: Your puppy is really small.
Is safe the travel?
My fridge are empty.
The room of Susan are clean.
I´m feel strong today.
My tooths are dirty.
The app are free.
My cousin is really ugly.
I like the lovely girls.
The avocados are cheap.