About consequences
A consequence is something that happens after your child behaves in a particular way. A consequence can be positive or negative.
There are times when you might choose to use negative consequences for difficult behaviour. For example, you can use negative consequences to enforce limits and reinforce rules when simple reminders haven’t worked.
It really pays to put some thought into how and why you might use consequences. If you overuse negative consequences or use them inconsistently, they can have surprising and unwanted effects.
It’s always best to focus more on giving your child attention for behaving in ways that you like. This usually means you’ll need to use negative consequences less.
Behaviour and consequences
When it comes to consequences, there are three common scenarios:
Your child behaves in a particular way and gets a positive consequence. This increases the likelihood of the behaviour happening in the same circumstances in the future. For example, you praise your child for sitting and eating his meal at the table.
Your child behaves in a particular way and avoids a negative consequence. This increases the likelihood of the behaviour happening in the same circumstances in the future. For example, your child takes her muddy boots off at the front door, so she doesn’t have to help clean the mud off the floor.
Your child behaves in a particular way and gets a negative consequence. This decreases the likelihood of the behaviour happening in the same circumstances in the future. For example, your child throws a toy, and you put the toy away for the rest of the day.
La falta de atención por parte de los padres en los niños sobre todo durante la educación primaria crea en ellos una desatención hacia los estudio, ellos no se sienten motivados en la escuela, y por consiguiente su rendimiento es menor que en los niños que tienen el apoyo y atención de sus padres.
The lack of attention on the part of the parents in children, especially during primary education, creates in them an inattention to study, they do not feel motivated in school, and therefore their performance is lower than in children who have the support and care from their parents.