• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: MichellFlecher
  • hace 6 años



Respuesta dada por: maybellwey




Earth is the largest of the inner planets and was created like all the remaining planets in the Solar System, approximately 4.6 billion years ago.

The early Earth was formed by the collision and fusion of smaller rock fragments, the so-called planetesimals. For this reason, the elements of the primordial Earth had to be distributed in a relatively homogeneous way, but this homogeneity had to change: the Earth was warming due to radioactive decay, due to the increasing pressure in its interior and, also, due to bombardment. of particles from the Universe. This eventually led to the melting of iron, which as a heavier liquid element sank into the center of the primeval earth and formed the earth's core. After the cooling of the outer crust, the first continents appeared.


Earth's crust. It is made up of 70% liquid surface and 30% solid land. Its current appearance is the provisional result of permanent alterations, for which different forces, both internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous), are considered responsible.


Endogenous forces include tectonic, mountain-building, or volcanic activity. Among the exogenous forces we find water (in the form of precipitation, seas, lakes, rivers), wind and mobile ice. These factors cause different processes of leaching (soluble substances and small bodies move inland) and sedimentation (accumulation of materials after being eroded and transported) that lead to a continuous transformation of the earth's surface. Also human influence (anthropogenic) leaves visible traces on the earth's surface.

Big Bang Theory

There are many theories about the origin and shape of the universe. In 1948, physicist George Anthony Gamow (1904-1968) postulated the most widely accepted theory: the Big Bang. In it he mentions that the universe was possibly formed around 10 to 15 billion years ago, as a result of a gigantic explosion produced from an early atom that was even smaller than the head of a pin. Immediately after the big explosion, protons, neutrons, electrons and photons were believed to have originated, all of which were at very high temperatures. These particles, when united, formed atoms of helium and hydrogen, the first elements that constituted matter.


The Big Bang theory is based on three points:

The Universe is expanding as a result of the huge explosion. The Universe is known to expand because galaxies are moving away from each other. To measure their rebound speed, astronomers rely on the amount of energy radiated by galaxies. To do this, they use a device called a spectrometer that breaks down light like a rainbow. When the stars are farther from the Earth, they travel faster and move towards the red color (Doppler effect).

The abundance of chemical elements in the universe is constant; that is to say, we can find the same elements (in the form of isotopes) in different stars, even when they are separated by great distances.

In 1965, physicists Pensias and Wilson detected that radiation reaching Earth from all over the universe comes from a large explosion that occurred 10 to 15 billion years ago.


The expansion model of the universe is based on the fact that its temperature decreases as time passes, and this is because the gases cool when they expand. Some astronomers think that our universe will collapse when it is 1039 years old; the stars will fade and little by little you will have less physical activity.

That's hope it helps you

Y para los que hablan español traduscan :'v

MichellFlecher: mucho texto xd haha gracias :3
maybellwey: Soy polar, bueno "LilMay" no me copie por si creen que es asi, bueno hagan sus tareas y no critiquen...
maybellwey: Gracias bye :D
maybellwey: xd
maybellwey: Sorry si es mucho texto pero es el resumen de todo XD
MichellFlecher: hahaha ya :3
maybellwey: :'3
scarlethmacias60: mucho text0
Respuesta dada por: Mellisos2310YT1


Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the

universe, by accretion from the solar nebula. Volcanic outgassing probably created the

primordial atmosphere and then the ocean, but the early atmosphere contained almost

no oxygen.


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