• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Henrana
  • hace 6 años

Por favor ayudenme con esto, agradeceria mucho su ayuda



Respuesta dada por: martinez1308


1.  I am going to wear these shoes to the party

2. He is going to make pizza tomorrow

3. My brothers aren’t going to watch TV tonight

4. You are going to study for your test this evening

5. Are you going to tell him?

6. No, I’m not going to tell him

7. What are you going to do later?

8. I’m going to watch a DVD

9. Is Steve going to be at the barbecue?

10. What are you going to wear?

11. I’m going to wear jeans and a T-shirt

12. We are going to be late


Henrana: Tu ayuda me sirvio de mucho enserio graciassss
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