• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yireymaiap8zr9r
  • hace 6 años

2. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra dentro del paréntesis según
corresponda, para completar correctamente la oración. Recuerda usar gerundio o infinitivo.
1. He is determined __________ (win) that race.
2. He lay in bed __________ (plan) the days to come.
3. We went __________ (run) in the morning.
4. Her fear of spiders made __________ (travel) difficult.
5. They don't mind __________ (wait) outside.
6. The problem is _________ (get) there on time.
7. I am accustomed to __________ (take care) of myself.
8. I want him __________ (paint) the wall.
9. __________ (be), or __________ (not be), that is the question.
10. This guy is known for __________ (break) the rules.
11. Sue enjoys __________ (dance).
12. The advantages of __________ (go) by train were clearly visible.
13. Your advice __________ (plan) ahead was excellent.
14. Your addiction to __________ (drink) will not serve you well.
15. I am pleased __________ (meet) you.


Respuesta dada por: yesica2007

Respuesta:1. He is determined to win that race.

2. He lay in bed planning the days to come.

3. We went  running in the morning.

4. Her fear of spiders made traveling difficult.

5. They don't mind waiting outside.

6. The problem is getting there on time.

7. I am accustomed to taking care of myself.

8. I want him to paint the wall.

9. To be or not to be, that is the question.

10. This guy is known for breaking the rules.

11. Sue enjoys dancing.

12. The advantages of going  by train were clearly visible.

13. Your advice to plan ahead was excellent.

14. Your addiction to drink will not serve you well.

15. I am pleased to meet you.

Explicación: trducion

1. Está decidido a ganar esa carrera.

2. Se acostó en la cama planeando los próximos días.

3. Salimos a correr por la mañana.

4. Su miedo a las arañas le dificultaba viajar.

5. No les importa esperar afuera.

6. El problema es llegar a tiempo.

7. Estoy acostumbrado a cuidarme.

8. Quiero que pinte la pared.

9. Ser o no ser, esa es la cuestión.

10. Este tipo es conocido por romper las reglas.

11. Sue disfruta bailar.

12. Las ventajas de viajar en tren eran claramente visibles.

13. Su consejo para planificar el futuro fue excelente.

14. Su adicción a la bebida no le servirá bien.

15. Me alegro de conocerte

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