• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lucianacamargo
  • hace 6 años

(¿Qué les gusta a ellos? Completa las
oraciones con LIKE / LIKES o DON ́T LIKE / DOESN ́T LIKE y el verbo con la
forma ING)
Example: I LIKE READING books.
My parents (eat) tacos.
Billy (take) a nap in the afternoons.
Jonas (watch) horror movies.
Jake and Adam (go) to a karaoke with friends.
My sister (play) tennis on Saturday.
We (read) history books.
3.- Put in order the questions. (Pon en orden las preguntas)
1. like / swimming / on the beach? / Do / you
2. cooking / pasta? / your mom / Does / like
3. Your best friend / watching TV / Does / like / at night?
4. Do / on Friday? / your parents / eating out / like


Respuesta dada por: juliCA2004


  • My parents like eating tacos
  • Billy like taking a nap in the afternoons
  • Jonas like watching horror movies
  • Jake and Adam like going to karaoke with friends
  • My sister like playing tennis on saturday
  • We  like reading history books


1. Do you like swimming on the beach?

2. Does your mom like cooking pasta?

3. Does your bestfriend like watching TV at night?

4. Do your parents like eating out on friday?

Espero Que te sirva.

Respuesta dada por: nstj2016


1. My parents (likes) eating tacos

2. billy (Like) taking a nap un the afternoons

3. jonas (don't like) watching horror movies

4. Jake and Adam (doesn't like) going to a karaoke with friends.

5. My sister (like) playing tenis on saturday.

6. We (Doesn't) reading history books

(Ordenar las oraciones)

1. Do you like swimming on the beach?

2. Dos your mom like cooking pasta?

3. Does your best friend like watching TV at night?

[Espero te ayude]♡♡

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