a) (play)- (played)
1- Andrés played in the yard (Andres jugaba en el patio)
2- Maria went to the field where she played soccer (María fue a la cancha donde jugaba fútbol)
3- we played hide and seek together (nosotros jugábamos a las escondidas juntos)
4- you played tennis with me (tu jugabas tenis conmigo)
b) (ask)- (asked)
1- I asked him for a sandwich for breakfast (yo le pedía un sándwich en el desayuno)
2-they asked for a juice with a cake for the snack (ellos pidieron un jugo con un ponqué para la merienda)
3- Andrea asked her teacher for her evaluation grade (Andrea le pidió a su profesor la nota de su evaluación)
4- Kevin asked his mom how he was when he was little (Kevin le preguntó a su mamá cómo era de pequeño)
c) (call)- (called)
1- Monica called her mom in the morning (Mónica llamó a su mamá en la mañana)
2-I don't remember what my friend's mom was called (No me acuerdo cómo se llamaba la mamá de mi amiga)
3- Your dad called me to ask if you had lunch (Tu papá me llamó para preguntarme si almorzaste)
4- Tatiana called her boyfriend to see if he would come to dinner with us (Tatiana llamó a su novio para ver si vendría a cenar con nosotros)
d) (invite)- (invited)
1-Carolina invited her boyfriend to a family dinner (Carolina invitó a su novio a una cena familiar)
2-My friends invited me to a theater (Mis amigos me invitaron a un teatro)
3- My grandparents invited me to spend the holidays with them (Mis abuelos me invitaron a pasar las vacaciones con ellos)
4- my mom invited you to my birthday (mi mamá te invito a mi cumpleaños)
No sé si te ayude, pero espero que sí :)