• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: arianadeniseegomez17
  • hace 6 años

Queria saber si me ayudan hacer esto! De ingles tengo que pasar a pasado simple!!

Me ayudan con esto...

1) Was (Be) the son of a french leather worker. He ___ (Go) blind at the age of three when he___(Fall) in his father's workroom. But louis was very clever. He___(Want) to be a musician,so he___(Learn) to play the cello, and at the age of ten he___ (Win) a schorlarship to the national institute for blind children in paris. He Could (Can) play the cello, but he__(Can not) read or write. In 1819 a french soldier, charles barbier,____ (Invent) "night writing". He___(Use) special dots on paper so that soldiers___(Can) read at night. Louis braille____(Understand) the importance of this invention for blind people and when he was fitfteen, he___ (Begin) to develop it. In 1829 he___(Start) to use it at the institute. By 1932 "braille" was in use all over the world,but louise___(Die) in 1852 and he never___(Know) of the importance of his invention.


Respuesta dada por: jacpyaklc
1. He went
2. He fell
3. He wanted
4. He learned
5. Won
6. Couldn’t (can not)
7. Invented
8. He used
9. Could
10. Understood
11. Began
12. he started
13. Died
14. He never knew

Espero te sirvan!
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