• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nosenadaxdporqueeee
  • hace 6 años

B- Choose between the comparative or superlative form: 1- Everyone says that my brother is _____________ than I am. - More good- looking - The most good- looking -The more good looking 2. My brother sings better than I do, but I play guitar __________ than he does. - The best - Better -The most better 3. This isn't ____________ book I have ever read. -The more interesting -more interesting - The most interesting 4- Your apartment is __________ than mine. - Cleaner -More clean -the cleanest 5. That family isn´t happy. Mine is ________ -More happy -The happiest -the most happy


Respuesta dada por: jeonsoftness
1- More good-looking
2- Better
3- The most interesting
4- Cleaner
5- The happiest

nosenadaxdporqueeee: GRACIAS ENSERIO
jeonsoftness: no hay de qué!
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