• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dianamarcelaortiz82
  • hace 6 años

complete con don't / doesn't
Es para hoy
1.Sonia's father ___________ Work on weekends
2.The girls ___________ play basketball
3.The spanish teacher _________ use public transportation


dianamarcelaortiz82: ayuda porfa


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 doesn't

2 don't

3 doesn't

4 don't

5 don't

6 don't

7 doesn't

8 don't

9 doesn't

10 don't


Las oraciones negativas en presente simple tienen la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + Don't o Doesn't + Verbo ( sin infinitivo) + Complemento

Los Pronombres I You We They se complementan con Don't

Los pronombres He She It se complementan con Doesn't

dianamarcelaortiz82: muchas gracias
estrellasdelfuturo79: a la orden
Respuesta dada por: mosaert


  • Sonia's father doesn't work on weekends. (he)
  • The girls don't play basketball. (they)
  • The spanish teacher doesn't use public transportation. (she)

Estas son las de la foto con don't y doesen't

  • My mother's friends don't live in the suburbs. (she)
  • I don't like pizza. (I)
  • They don't need a car. (they)
  • Jamie's son doesn't have a lap top. (he)
  • Paul and Anne don't dance salsa. (they)
  • The cat doesn't drink milk. (it)
  • We don't play the guitar. (we)


Se usa don't cuando es con los pronombres: I, you, we, they

Se usa doesn't cuando es con los pronombres: it, she, he.

dianamarcelaortiz82: muchas gracias
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