• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: merydiez18
  • hace 6 años

hacer oraciones con cada uno de los Modal verbs por cada una 2 por favor responder bien con seriedad si me ayuda un profesor mejor necesito ayuda

MICM24: esta amigo quieres que te ayude
merydiez18: si
merydiez18: porfa
merydiez18: si tienes dudas me dices
MICM24: ya amig@
merydiez18: gracias


Respuesta dada por: MICM24




I can speak five languages.

We can work late tonight if you need us.

Bill and Tom can’t help you.

The restaurant can be expensive if you drink a lot of wine.

It can be dangerous to drive if you are tired.



Joe could speak Spanish when he was young.

I couldn’t sleep last night.

Could you play an instrument when you were a child?

Could you pass the salt please?



I would bring an umbrella, it may rain later.

It may be better to finish this now, rather than wait until tomorrow.

You may leave if you like.

You may use your cell phones now.

May I have a glass of water?



I would bring an umbrella, it might rain later.

It might be better to finish this now, rather than wait until tomorrow.



I will help you.

We will learn English.

Will they find a cure for cancer?

Will you help me move?

Will he go to Paris by car or train?



Chris shall be happy to see you.

Shall we meet at 10pm?

Shall we go to the movies or a museum?



I should call my parents more often.

You shouldn’t work so hard.

They should practice more if they want to win the championship.

Should we leave a tip?

Should I have the steak or the chicken?

Where should they meet you?

Ought to


She ought to quit smoking.

I ought to call my parents more often.

They ought to work less.



You must [have to] read this book, it’s fantastic.

You must [have to] brush your teeth two times a day.

We must [have to] leave now or we will be late.

You must not drink and drive.

When must we meet you?

John’s not here. He must be sick because he never misses class.

It must be difficult to learn a new language as an adult.

Must you always be late?

Must she talk so much?



She would like to go to New York someday.

I would like a beer and my wife would like a glass of wine please.

Would you like some coffee?

Would you help me please?

When would you like to go to the movies?

¡Espero te sirva!

merydiez18: muchas gracias
merydiez18: te lo agradezco mucho
merydiez18: ¿eso en que esta negativo...?
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