• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: crespinrosa796
  • hace 6 años

Porfaaaaavpr esta es la lectura Did you know that… • Most of Ecuador’s cultural richness is in its countryside. • There are still some tribes that don’t have any human contact in Ecuador’s Amazon region, and some of them do not even wear clothes as we know them. They wear clothes made from materials found in nature such as ropes and leaves, not like we see in the city every day. • Some students in the countryside learn Quichua at schools. • Ecuador has protected areas and they are in Ecuador’s countryside.



Respuesta dada por: domematute2008


Language different from Spanish:


Materials of the tribes' clothes:

materials found in nature, such as rope and leaves.  

Region where there are native tribes:


Draw an Ecuadorian countryside:

(dibuja un campo ecuatoriano)

anahi3sanchez3: muchas gracias
anahi3sanchez3: ya sabía q hacer
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


Language different from Spanish >___Quichua_________

Materials of the tribes' clothes >___ropes and leaves_____

Region where there are native tribes >__Ecuador's Amazon region__

en "Draw an Ecuadorian countryside" te pide que dibujes un sitio rural del ecuador


espero t ayude

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