• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kittymu
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones en gerundio y 10 en infinitivo en ingles por favor es para mañana


Respuesta dada por: vladcaruci
1. I am studying math for my exams
2. She is watching her favorite TV show
3. We are walking to the central park
4. You were calling me last night.
5. They will be attending the concert next month
6. He is already eating dessert 
7. I was getting a shower
8. She is petting her dog 
9. You are doing your homework 
10. They were cooking their best plate

1. I have to study for my math exams
2. My favorite show is about to start
3. We need to walk to meet the guys
4. He is going to call me tonight
5. We're going to attend her concert next mont
6. Let's eat dessert!
7. I need to get a shower
8. You should pet your dog
9. I need to to do my homework
10. They will cook their best dishes
Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

Los gerundios e infinitivos se usan cuando el verbo cumple la función de sujeto u objeto de la oración.

Oraciones en gerundio:

El gerundio se forma agregándole el sufijo -ing al verbo.

  1. Reading a book is usually better than listening a audiobook.
  2. I like eating chocolate.
  3. My mom is cooking dinner
  4. The swimming pool is closed.
  5. She hates playing soccer.
  6. There's no one in the waiting room.
  7. Walking 30 minutes every day is good for your health.
  8. Singing is difficult.
  9. The baby is crying.
  10. Writing a book takes time.

Oraciones en infinitivo:

El infinitivo se forma escribiendo la preposición "to" antes del verbo.

  1. We decided not to go to the party.
  2. My sister told me not to be late.
  3. She says she has nothing to wear to the wedding.
  4. The kids need extra hours to study.
  5. It's always good to talk to you.
  6. That's the right thing to do.
  7. She asked me to help her.
  8. That's too much information to learn in one day.
  9. You're not old enough to drive.
  10. I'll need a place to stay.

Ver más sobre gerundios e infinitivos https://brainly.lat/tarea/9237860

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