2- Complete the sentences using: BEGIN – EAT – WIN – MEET – HAVE – LEAVE – GO – COME – BE a- We haven’t got any chocolates. You--------them all! b- My friends-------------the party at 11 o’clock and walked home. c- The football final this afternoon---------a great game. Our team-------------! d- Last Sunday, after lunch, Nick and Beth-------------for a walk in the park. e- The teacher----------late, so our lesson-----------at 9.30. f- I------------Paolo at one o’clock and we-----------lunch together at the café.
Respuesta dada por:
a - We haven't got any chocolates. You ate them all!
b - My friends left the party at 11 o'clock and walked home.
c - The football final this afternoon was a great game. Our team won!
d - Last Sunday, after lunch, Nick and Beth left for a walk in the park.
e - The teacher came late, so our lesson began at 9:30.
f - I met Paolo at one o'clock and we ate lunch together at the cafe.
Remember to use past tense for all of them, as it is written as you are communicating with somebody after the events have occurred.
Recuerde usar el tiempo pasado para todos ellos, ya que está escrito mientras se comunica con alguien después de que ocurrieron los eventos.
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