• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: diegoibarravaldez07
  • hace 7 años

Hola me puede decir que significan estas palabras lo que significa no su traduccion Free cheap expensive hungry tired terrified today tomorrow prize confident bunch nations talented get along


Respuesta dada por: saihttoro15

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Respuesta dada por: marycrissflores


free: not under control or power of another/ without cost

cheap: low in cost, not expensive or poor

expensive: of high price or value

hungry: need to eat

tired: to feel without energy or or encouragement

terrified: to feel fear

today: the present(day, time)

tomorrow: the future or the following day, time

prize: the value of something

confident: to be sure, self-assured

bunch: a group of something or someone, a considerable amount or number

nations:  Group of people of the same ethnic origin who share historical, cultural and religious..

talented: to have an ability

get: to come into possession

along:  Over the length of


espero te ayude eso

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