• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: arangomarinerikavivi
  • hace 6 años

1. If you _________ (TELL) me earlier, I would have dressed up. 2. If I knew how to use a computer, maybe they _________________ (PAY) me more. 3. If I had known the news, I ___________________ (TELL) you. 4. If I _______________ (HAVE) a million dollars, I would give most of it away and retire. 5. Your dream of becoming a baseball player will come true if you ____________________________________ (TRY) hard. 6. If it were not for my family, I _______________________________________ (GIVE UP) this job. 7. You _______________________________________ (SAVE) your father a lot of worry if you simply write him a letter. 8. Tom _______________________________________ (EAT) more if he'd had time. 9. If you sleep for a while, you _______________________________________ (FEEL) much better. 10. If you _______________________________________ (HAVE) a lot of money, you will become afraid. 11. They _______________________________________ (FIND) Tom if they had looked harder. 12. If I _______________________________________ (KNOW) the answer to the question, I would tell you. 13. You _______________________________________ (BE) in time for school if you leave at once. 14. I _______________________________________ (PUT OFF) my departure if it rains. 15. ________________________ it ________________________ (BE) OK if I used your computer? 16. Tom and Mary _______________________________________ (LOSE) their jobs if they keep showing up late for work. 17. If it _______________________________________ (BE) fine tomorrow, we will play baseball. 18. Tom would come to Boston with Mary if he _______________________________________ (NOT HAVE TO) work all next week. 19. If we're not careful, the same thing _______________________________________ (HAPPEN) to us. 20. If Tom hadn't been working last weekend, he _______________________________________ (GO) fishing.


Respuesta dada por: pascuyrodrihades




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