• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bossiogonzalezmalka
  • hace 6 años

Completa las oraciones con los adjetivos posesivos de la taba. Mira el ejemplo. my (3) your (2) his (2) her (2) its (2) our (2) their (2) a. Carlos is Colombian, __his___ parents are Peruvians. b. Good morning, _______ name is Pedro Gonzalez. c. I love this car, and ______ color is perfect. d. Martha is beautiful, I like _______ smile. e. Excuse me sir, What’s _______ name? f. We live in La Maria near Don Bosco school, _______ house is a two-floor house. g. I have a family, and I think that _______ family is wonderful. h. Marcos and Enith have two children, _______ names are Oscar and Sandra. i. You have to feel proud, _______ parents are very nice. j. I like this blouse, _______ design is cool. k. Carol and I love children, but _______ plan is to have our first baby in three years. l. Jennifer is intelligent, but ________ attitude is terrible. m. Do you know that guy? What’s _______ name? n. They are Yuly and Carmen Garcia, _______ passports are Mexicans.


Respuesta dada por: fiorigotti2003


b. my

c. its/his

d. her

e. your

f. our

g. my

h. their

i. your

j. its

k. her

l. her

m. his

n. their

bossiogonzalezmalka: muchas gracias por tu ayuda DIOS TE BENDIGA .
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