• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jimenez57juana
  • hace 6 años

other verbs
nesecito los verbos xfavor ​

arli2007acevedo: que verbos amiga?
jimenez57juana: son verbos de other verbs
jimenez57juana: es de ingles
jimenez57juana: xfis ayudenme
sanyagito123: si necesitas los verde que en ingles es other vebs entonces hay pay ,play,put,sell, sit. sleep,tell no se ay muchos jimenez
sanyagito123: To be – (ser o estar) I am. you are. he, she, it is. ...
To have – (tener) I have. you have. he, she, it has. ...
To do – (hacer) I do. you do. he, she, it does. ...
To say – (decir) I say. you say. ...
To get – (obtener) I get. you get. ...
To make – (hacer) I make. you make. ...
To go – (ir) I go. you go. ...
To know – (saber, conocer) I know. you know hay esta son esas


Respuesta dada por: sanyagito123


other verbs necesito los verbos xfavor


I don't exercise in the afternoons. ( ...

I don't speak Chinese. ( ...

You don't study English at 7 p.m. (routine)

You don't live in Brazil. ( ...

We don't play volleyball on Saturdays. ( ...

We don't love mathematics. ( ...

They don't take the bus at 10 a.m. (routine)

jimenez57juana: no quiero oraciones
jimenez57juana: solo los verbos amiga
jimenez57juana: ????
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

Other verbs  

  • close/shut          
  • close/shut
  • organize
  • pay
  • play
  • put
  • rain
  • read
  • reply
  • run
  • say
  • see
  • sell
  • send
  • sign
  • sing
  • sit
  • sleep
  • smoke
  • speak
  • spell
  • spend
  • stand
  • start/begin
  • study
  • succeed
  • swim
  • take
  • talk
  • teach
  • tell
  • think
  • translate
  • travel
  • try
  • turn off
  • turn on
  • type
  • understand
  • use
  • wait
  • wake up
  • want
  • watch
  • work
  • worry
  • write
  • organize
  • pay
  • play
  • put
  • rain
  • read
  • reply
  • run
  • say
  • see
  • sell
  • send
  • sign
  • sing
  • sit
  • sleep
  • smoke
  • speak
  • spell
  • spend
  • stand
  • start/begin
  • study
  • succeed
  • swim
  • take
  • talk
  • teach
  • tell
  • think
  • translate
  • travel
  • try
  • turn off
  • turn on
  • type
  • understand
  • use
  • wait
  • wake up
  • want
  • watch
  • work
  • worry
  • write
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