• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: FiamaAlvarado
  • hace 7 años

1. Kevin ........ on the pavement
2. A woman ........ her dog in the park
3. Paul......... some postcards
4. John ......... on the stairs and ........ to music
5. Clare ........ on the pavement
oraciones en inglés ​ en pasado continuó


Respuesta dada por: curioso1234


1. Kevin ... was ... on the sidewalk

2. A woman ... I leave. her dog in the park

3. Paul ... was on walking her did in the park... ... some postcards

4. John ... was .... on the stairs and ... listening ..... to music

5. Clare ... was ..... on the sidewalk

English sentences in the past tense continue


espero haberte ayudado :(

perdon si algunas respuestas estan mal:( (creo) ojo

me lo revisas si esta mal ok? owo

FiamaAlvarado: pero no estan completas
FiamaAlvarado: por ejemplo paul was walking her did in the park asi queria no solamente con el was
curioso1234: :( im so sorry , ahurita lo corrijo :( es que no diste tanta informacion del tema
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