• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: Ban247
  • hace 7 años

ayuda es para hoy en media hora es facil. Now you will create your own FAQs about discrimination. Complete the following questions with the correct question word and answer them. _________ is discrimination? ............................................................................. _________ are some examples of discrimination? ............................................................................. _________ does discrimination hurt people? ............................................................................. _________ do people discriminate against others? ............................................................................. _________ ……………………………………………? …………………………………………………………


Respuesta dada por: moisesjsotelo


Many people wrongly think that discrimination does not exist if the impact was not intended, or if ... It is a principle of human rights that persons should be judged on their ... In these three examples, the people giving the instructions can be held ... The following is not an exhaustive list, but it can help you identify what could be ...


no me acuerdo muy bien pero creo que es asi

Ban247: no entndi pero puedes completarlo en ingle s lo q esta pidiendo es completar la reguntas con las palbras correctas peroen ingles y respoderlasmgracias
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