• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kaito117
  • hace 6 años

Hola,alguien que me pueda ayudar con esto de Inglés?

1) Complete the sentences with will or won't.

Ej: I think WILL see more floods in the next ten years. They're a big problem in a lot of places

2) I don't think people .... stop buying books. People will always enojoy reading.

3) Malls .... exist in 2025. We'll buy everything online.

4) I am not worried about climate change. I think scientists ..... find a solution

5) Overpopulation ..... be a big problem in the future. There are already too many people

6) Teenargers ..... go to school in 2030. It won't be necessary for humans to learn anything

2) Complete the questions. Then write short answers with your predictions for 2050.

In 2050 . . .

Ej: Will people work
No,They won't

2) (humans/live) on Mars?


3) (robots/be) more intelligent than humans?


4) (climate change/continue) to be a problem?



Respuesta dada por: alisondianamartinez2


hola puedes hacer traducir en Google

alisondianamartinez2: como
alisondianamartinez2: dices
alisondianamartinez2: ingles español
Respuesta dada por: xtorrea9


Tienes que traducir lo, y si aún no entiendes dile a tu profesor ^-^

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