• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: texdex
  • hace 6 años

Responde en inglés en forma afirmativa y negativa las siguientes preguntas: En forma larga y corta. plis uwu a) Does he speak English? b) Do you eat in the class? c) Do they draw an elephant? d) Does she study in the house?


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


a Yes, he does.

Yes, he speaks English

No, he doesn't

No he doesn't speak English

b Yes, I do

Yes, I eat in the class

No, I don't

No, I don't eat in the class

c Yes, they do

Yes, they draw an elephant

No, they don't

No, they don't draw an elephant

d Yes, she does

Yes, she studies in the house

No, she doesn't

No, she doesn't study in the house


Las afirmativas Cortas:

Yes + Pronombre + Do o Does

Afirmativas largas

Yes + Pronombre + Verbo ( lleva S si es 3era persona) + complemento

Negativas Cortas

No, pronombre + Don't o Doesn't

Negativas largas

No + Pronombre + don't o doesn't + Verbo + Complemento

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