• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alexabadgirl13
  • hace 6 años

6. (t hey-to ti dy) ___________ their room when you a rrived? No, t hey (to s tars)___________ do ing it af ter we (to arr ive)

7. w e (to sit) ___________ on the g rass w hen a cric ket (to ju mp) __________ on Anna

8.the docu mentary (to be) ____________ very inte resting, we lear
ned how peo ple (to li ve)_______________ ma ny cen turies a go

9.y ou(to lo ok- nega tive form)_________________ ve ry hap py last
holi days, you (to s mile- nega tive for m)____________ as u suat

10.(s he- to arri ve) _______________ on ti me? Yes, the sho w(to s tart)___________as she ente red the ro om

alexabadgirl13: UwU
Anónimo: como queire que tw diga?:v
alexabadgirl13: alexa ale o como sea -.-
Anónimo: vale U.u
Anónimo: hasta la proxima suerte UwU
alexabadgirl13: igual amiko UwU
Anónimo: UwU
Osweldrrr: hola
Anónimo: ._.
alexabadgirl13: hellow XD


Respuesta dada por: Laurasofiamurillo

6. they to tidy their room when you arrived? Not, hey to stars do ing it af ter we to arrive.

7. we to sit on the grass when a cricket to jump on Anna.

8. the documentary to be very interesting, we learned how people to live many centuries ago.

9.you to look- negative form very happy last holidays, you to s mile- negative for m as usual.

10.she- to arrive on time? Yes, the show to starts she entered the room.

Respuesta dada por: kevinfabrizio2008





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