• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: BillieTae157
  • hace 6 años

hello I have a question that would happen if you are gay and you make yourself look like a girl, there is a girl who wanted to be girl and iso the same, they know each other and everything would become a hetera family you think things like this don't let me sleep ​


Respuesta dada por: someoneintheworldxd


haha srry if a gay man makes himself looks like a girl he becomes a pansexual or transexual person. and if he meets the girl who seems and be like a girl, they dude¡¡¡oh shit you gived me another existencial crisis . soit would be a hetera family, I think bc it still beeing a men and a woman no?


BillieTae157: jaja crisis existencial jaja no puedo dormir con ese tipo de preguntas me lo pregunto desde que tenía 12 años jaja
someoneintheworldxd: jsjajjsja x2 FFFFFF
Respuesta dada por: estrellajorge351




no gracias por los puntos

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