• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pulidoperezgabriel
  • hace 7 años

hola, necesito 20 preguntas con who that y who this

michellecalcina1: who ate the cake,
that girl is pretty,
this is normal bueno eso estodo mejor usa el traductor gogle


Respuesta dada por: ashley19208


con who

Who is he? (¿Quién es él?)

Who is your friend? (¿Quién es tu amigo?)

Who is talking? (¿Quién está hablando?)

Who is running in the park? (¿Quién está corriendo en el parque?)

Who was at the party? (¿Quién estaba en la fiesta?)

Who have you called? (¿A quién has llamado?)

con this

Is this your teacher? yes he/she is

is this your boyfriend? no he is not

Is this your pen? yes it is

IS this your homework? yes it is

Is this your friend? no is not my friend

con that

Is that apple bad?

that's me?

is that a mexican pizza?

is that lamp pink?


oye sorry quise ayudar pero no se mucho pero ingles

pulidoperezgabriel: grx, ma has salvado estoy agradecido :3
ashley19208: oki si tu lo dices
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