Hola me ayudan
Me dicen si el primer punto está bien?
Y me ayudan con el segundo punto?

el primer punto algunas cosas estan mal va asi
you have do your homework
he sends text his friends
she is going to kiss Steve
we arrived late
they are watching a dvd
en el segundo no te puedo audar espero que lo que te haya dicho te sirva
La primera te quedo bien y la segunda seria asi:
Sentences Negatives:
- You are not going to wear jeans
- We are not going to do your homework.
- He is not going to watch a DVD.
- She is not going to kiss steve.
- They are not going to text his friends
- It is not going to rain.
sentences interrogatives:
- Are we going to do your homework?
- Is he going to watch a DVD?
- Is she going to kiss Steve?
- Are they going to text his friends?
- Is it going to rain?
- Am i be late?
Espero que te sirva! ^-^
(Si tienes alguna duda puedes preguntarme :3 )