• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joelsupersonic
  • hace 6 años

10 oraciones con el Be going Por favor :´)

Anónimo: 1. I am going to see you tomorrow. (Yo voy a verte mañana)
2. He is going to visit her next week. (Él la va a visitar la siguiente semana)
3. They are going to eat out tonight. (Ellos van a comer fuera esta noche)
4. She is going to leave for Europe on Monday. (Ella va a partir a Europa el lunes)
Anónimo: 5. She is going to wait me after the show. (Ella va a esperarme después del 6. espectáculo)
7. I am going to get up early tomorrow. (Yo voy a levantarme temprano mañana)
8. It is going to rain today. (Va a llover hoy)
Anónimo: 6. You are going to study to be a lawyer. (Tú vas a estudiar para ser un abogado)
Anónimo: 9. We are going to stay home tonight. (Nosotros vamos a quedarnos en casa en la noche)
10. They are going to build a summer home. (Ellos van a construir una casa de verano)
Anónimo: I hope my answer helps you! (Espero que te ayude mi respuesta!)
Anónimo: :)


Respuesta dada por: garcialuzestrella607



1.- I'm going to do my homework.

2.-My family are going to go to the zoo.

3.-My best friend is going to write a letter.

4.-You are going to do the best.

5.-We are going to play in a concert.

6-They are going to eat "tacos".

7.-She are going to go to the school.

8.-He are going to listen to music.

9.-My cat is going to sleep all the day.

10.-He is going to play soccer in the afternoon.


Be+going+to, usualmente que es la mayoria de las veces se usa "going to" para expresar planes o hechos contundentes a futuro

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