• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paulaA114
  • hace 6 años

4 Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta
del verbo to be afirmativo (+) o negativo (-)
a. My best friend (+) is Colombian,
she (sot Spanish.
b. We (-) _
French, we (+)
c. My friends (-) at school today.
d. I
-Swiss, but my best friend
from Switzerland.
e. You -
in Class 10B. ​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


a My best friend is Colombian. She is not Spanish

b We aren't French. We are England

c My friends aren't at school today

d I am not Swiss but my best friend is from Switzerland.

e You are in class 10B


Verbo to be - ser o estar

Sus 3 formas en pasado:

Am - soy o estoy

Is - es o está

Are - son o están

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