• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jeaninnareyesechever
  • hace 7 años

Hi, my name is _________ and this is my bedroom! My bedroom is very small but it’s cozy. The walls are pink and have got some paints that I did. There is a double bed next to the Television. I have a desk in a corner of my room. On the desk, there is a computer. There are many pencils too. There is a bookcase with some books. I relax here in my bedroom. This is definitely my favorite place in the house. ¿En donde se podría cambiar una palabra por has got? ¿hay errores (gramatica, ortografía)?


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


esta muy bien la estructura y todo, pero no hay espacio para has got


deberias poner algo asi como: my bedroom has got a bathroom inside too and is incredible, puedes poner eso y listo

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