• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marchettigiuli086
  • hace 6 años

. Completar el siguiente cuadro con todos los verbos que aparecen en el texto. Clasificarlos en regulares e irregulares, indicando pasado, participio y su significado. --- Over a million people are killed each year in disasters. Two and a half million people (are going to be / will be) permanently disabled or displaced, and the communities (will take / will be taking) 20 to 30 years to recover and billions of economic losses. If you can reduce the initial response by one day, you can reduce the overall recovery by a thousand days, or three years. See how that (has been working / works)? If the initial responders can get in, (having saved / save) lives, (mitigate / having mitigated) whatever flooding danger there is, that (means / will mean) the other groups can get in to restore the water, the roads, the electricity, which (means / will be meaning) the construction people, the insurance agents, all of them can get in to rebuild the houses, which then means you can restore the economy, and maybe even make it better and more resilient to the next disaster. A major insurance company (tells / told) me that if they can get a homeowner's claim processed one day earlier, it (makes / will make) a difference of six months in that person getting their home repaired. And that's why I (do / am doing) disaster robotics -- because robots can make a disaster go away faster. Now, you (have already seen / have already been seeing) a couple of these. These are the UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). These are two types of UAVs: a rotorcraft, or hummingbird; a fixed-wing, a hawk. And they’re used extensively since 2005 -- Hurricane Katrina. Let me show you how this hummingbird, this rotorcraft, (works / is working). Fantastic for structural engineers. Being able to see damage from angles you can't get from binoculars on the ground or from a satellite image, or anything flying at a higher angle. But it's not just structural engineers and insurance people who (will need / need) this. You've got things like this fixed-wing, this hawk. Now, this hawk can be used for geospatial surveys. That's where you (are pulling / will be pulling) imagery together and getting 3D reconstruction. We (used / have been using) both of these at the Oso mudslides up in Washington State, because the big problem (had been / was) geospatial and hydrological understanding of the disaster -- not the search and rescue. The search and rescue teams (had had / had) it under control and (had known / knew) what they (have been doing / were doing). The bigger problem (had been / was) that river and mudslide might wipe them out and flood the responders. And not only was it challenging to the responders and property damage, it's also putting at risk the future of salmon fishing along that part of Washington State. So they (will need / needed) to understand what was going on. In seven hours, going from Arlington, driving from the Incident Command Post to the site, flying the UAVs, processing the data, driving back to Arlington command post -- seven hours. We (had given / gave) them in seven hours data that they could take only two to three days to get any other way -- and at higher resolution. It's a game changer. […] AYUDA PORFA

wildercon100: nou ne pes
wildercon100: potos
wildercon100: h i j o d e p u t a


Respuesta dada por: jangelicadanae


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marchettigiuli086: ya lo resolvi, mil graciassss
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