• Asignatura: Biología
  • Autor: etienneesperuano
  • hace 6 años

1 What makes up the axial skeleton? What makes up the appendicular skeleton? 2 What is the scapula commonly known as? What other bone helps the scapula function? What do these two bones do? 3. How many thoracic vertebrae do humans have? Where are they located in the spinal column? 4. To which type of vertebrae do ribs attach? 5. What is the atlas bone? What is the role of this bone? PORFAVOR NO TRADUCIR RESPUESTAS


Respuesta dada por: DanEzCast

1- The axial skeleton includes the bones that make up the bony structure of the head, the laryngeal skeleton, the spine, and the rib cage. The bones of the appendicular skeleton (the limbs and waistlines) are attached as appendages to the axial skeleton.

2- It is made up of the upper and lower limb bones and the shoulder and pelvic bones. There are two limbs and each has a total of 64 bones distributed in five segments from the root to the end: shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist and hand.

3- One of the two triangular bones at the back of the shoulder. The scapula connects the collarbone to the upper arm bone. Also called shoulder blade.

4- The place on the scapula where it articulates with the humerus (upper bone of the anterior limb) is the bone called the glenoid. The scapula serves as a binding site for the muscles of the back and front limbs of a dinosaur.

5- They have several functions: they forma solid structure for sustaining the body, they protect very sensitive organs such as the brain, they make movement possible by serving as a place of insertion for the muscles and they produce the cells that are part of the blood (hematopoiesis).

6- In humans, there are 33 vertebrae during the fetal and childhood stages (7 cervical + 12 thoracic + 5 lumbar + 5 sacral + 4 coccyx), and during adulthood, there are only 24 because the bones of the sacrum and coccyx are joined into one bone each.

7- Anatomy of the spine. The spine is made up of bones, muscles, tendons, nerves, and other tissues that extend from the base of the skull near the beginning of the spinal cord (at the clivus) to the coccyx (coccygeus bone).

8- They are found in the thorax, consisting of cartilage in the most medial part of its anterior side and bone in its lateral and posterior sides, which make up the most visible part of the bone structure of the rib cage, giving it a cage appearance

9- The atlas is the name given to the highest bone in the entire spine, the first cervical vertebra (c1).

10- Bones provide support for our bodies and help shape them. Although very light, bones are strong enough to support all our weight. Bones also protect the organs in our bodies.

DanEzCast: bro ahí esta todo
DanEzCast: Me tomo tiempos en hacer todo. Pero ahí ya lo tienes
DanEzCast: bye
Anónimo: oki
DanEzCast: supongo que eres mujer no??
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