• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jcevallosb08
  • hace 6 años

Hola chicos me ayudarian complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple affirmative or negative negative in brackets

b) M sister (not have) Music lesson on Wednesdays.
c) Paul ______ (play) games online.
d) At the weekend, I_______ (not get up) early.
e) On Saturday afternoon, we sometimes _______ (have) a picnic in the park. f) Hanna_______ (watch) TV every day after school.


Respuesta dada por: marg219


b) My sister doesn't (Does not) have music lesson on Wednesday

c) Paul plays games online.

d) At the weekend, I don't get up early.

e) On saturday afternoon, we sometimes have a picnic in the park.

f) Hanna watches TV every day after school


Recuerda que si es tercera persona (She, he, o el nombre propio ( Paul y Hanna)) va con s al final del verbo, y si es negativo va con does en vez que con do.

jcevallosb08: graciassss
marg219: De nada
jcevallosb08: te doy la corona por que te explicaste muy bien : )
marg219: Ok, thanks ;)
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