• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ginalore2703
  • hace 6 años

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE. A. ______ you _________ (ever / to be) to London? No, I _________ (never / to be). B. My father _________ (give) to me this present for my birthday. C. My brother ________ (live) in London for a long time. D. We _______ (not / pack) our suitcases yet. E. My friend _________ (already / join in) in the festival. F. Mr. John Daily ______ (not / come) to our house since last June. G. Thanksgiving, a national holiday ______ (celebrate) in the USA since 17th century. H. Molly ________ (to be) interested in women since she was a little girl. I. _______ you ________ (already / send) your aunt’s birthday card? J. I __________ (already / dress up) since this morning! K. Michael ________ (to be) furious with his girlfriend for months.


Respuesta dada por: Maikol45




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