• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: neordonezm1
  • hace 6 años

1. My brother is never sad, he is ______________ happy 2. I was late for work only one time last year, I am ___________ late 3. I always remember to do my homework, I ____________ forget to do it. 4. Mary failed only one test at school, she ____________ passed her exams. 5. Judy saw a doctor for the first time in five years, she ___________ gets sick. 6. I get up at five o’clock seven days a week, I ___________ get up early. 7. My sister doesn’t like junk food, she _________ eats healthy food. 8. Do you watch action movies? No I ________ watch action movies. 9. Steven likes apples, he is _____________ eating apples. 10. I go to the movies four times a month. I ___________ go to the movies. ayudaaa plss!!!


Respuesta dada por: angelyamato3

que  tengo que hacer o que palabras poner

neordonezm1: 5: Fill in the blank with the appropriate adverb of frequency. 5pts.
esa orden me dieron
angelacordovap: no hablamos ingles ( ̄~ ̄;)
itsasunnyday19: tiene que completarla
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